We asked students: What do you love about bv伟德ios下载的位置?

从我们美丽的湖景到芝加哥和密尔沃基的快速通道, students shared a lot of reasons why they love bv伟德ios下载的位置. Read their responses below. 

See for yourself — schedule your visit!

All visitors will receive a $1,000 per year 访问 Grant ($4,4年超过1万, 每个学生一次访问补助金)作为全日制入学bv伟德ios下载经济援助计划的一部分. 虚拟访问很重要!


A rainbow is pictured over Lake Michigan.

1. 视图.

我们的 backyard is the shoreline of Lake Michigan, 和 our Great Lake provides some pretty amazing views. 认为 知识基础 在海滩上上课. 实验室里的湖景. For those people unfamiliar with Lake Michigan, 让我们把一件事弄清楚:密歇根湖从东到西横跨118英里, so you don’t see the other side. “这就像在海洋上,”BETVLCTOR伟德登录毕业生、现在的招生代表说 Rob Schiferl ' 97. We’ve even got a sailing club.


A look at the sunrise over Lake Michigan.

2. Sunrises from your dorm room

Many of our dorm rooms feature lake views. 艾米莉·范·迪克斯霍恩,26岁 agrees that having the lake next to your room is the best. “I love the lake breeze 和 how close it is to my dorm!” Post your favorite dorm room sunrise to Instagram — our students do it all the time.


3. The sound of waves as you study

Don’t just look at Lake Michigan. 听一听. 学生们谈论着他们是多么喜欢密歇根湖的声音——有风的日子里海浪的轰鸣声和平静的日子里水拍打岩石的声音. It’s the perfect background music for studying, 打盹, 与朋友聊天, or serious contemplation about your future. “I love anywhere I can hear the waves crashing. 有时, that’s in my dorm reading a book, 其他时候, 那是在外面,坐在我们美丽的湖边标志性的红椅子上,” 麦迪逊·贝兹勒维兹,26岁.


BETVLCTOR伟德登录的学生Evan blienightt曾在Snap-on Tools实习,这是他所创办的众多全球性公司之一...

4. The internships while you’re here

实习 are an important part of college, 并经常为毕业后的就业和研究生入学敞开大门. 因为bv伟德ios下载位于两个主要城市——北部的密尔沃基和南部的芝加哥——一个小时的车程内,所以附近有一长串公司对招聘感兴趣. To name a few: Abbott Laboratories, 卡夫食品, Uline, 江森自控, 和 Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. 就在基诺沙, 你会发现赛马会国际公司和实耐宝公司的世界总部, 和 SC Johnson is headquartered 15 minutes from campus in Racine.


5. The job opportunities once you graduate

All those good things we said about internships? 这同样适用于全职工作(只是现在加上了领取工资和领取福利)!). BETVLCTOR伟德登录的毕业生无需长途跋涉就能在顶级公司找到令人兴奋的职业机会. 学院提供了一些社交活动,让学生有机会与bv伟德ios下载校友联系, 培养联系人, 和 practice job-hunting skills. The newest addition to the campus is Aspire计划, which is Carthage’s career preparation program. 该课程的职业成功方法帮助学生为毕业后的生活做好准备. 通过这个项目,学生们设计一个计划来帮助他们为未来设定目标. 学生还可以提前获得职业顾问和广泛的体验式学习机会.


Chicago is just an hour's drive or train ride away.

6. 芝加哥一日游

Chicago is a world-class city, home to such top attractions as Navy Pier, 威利斯大厦, 千禧公园, world-famous 体系结构, 和 top 剧院 和 music events. 那么如何看待这一切呢? 跳上去吧 Metra’s Union Pacific/North Line 从出赛. The train station is 10 minutes from campus, 在周末, you can get a pass good for unlimited rides for just $10.



7. 密尔沃基一日游

如果芝加哥是“第二大城市”,密尔沃基则紧随其后. 密尔沃基 is just an hour’s drive north of campus 和 offers art, 体系结构, 剧院, 音乐会, 伟大的餐馆, 和 various summer festivals, 包括 SummerFest. 甚至还有 museum dedicated to Harley Davidson.


Science Center outdoor classroom

8. 岩石上的课程

我们的 科学中心 包括一间室外教室,有石头座椅和一块白板. It’d be hard to find a classroom with a better view.



9. 淡水研究 opportunities

If you’re passionate about 化学, 环境科学, 地球科学, or 生物学, just look out our windows. 密歇根湖提供了1,180 cubic miles of petri dish potential, 派克河在我们80英亩的校园内及其周围提供了无数的其他研究机会. 这种淡水生态系统是卷起裤腿的理想环境, 开始工作, 和 make some striking discoveries.


A student plays ukelele lakeside!

10. 捉迷藏…

想要一些平和和安静? 完成. 喜欢一点噪音? 没有问题. At Carthage, you get the best of both worlds. Just choose what mood you’re in. When you want a little tranquility, 我们位于基诺沙阿尔福德公园的校园提供了充足的空间来呼气. 徒步穿过植物园,或在俯瞰派克河的红桥上放松. When you’re looking for some activity, 校园距离两个市中心的购物区只有10分钟的路程, 餐厅, 咖啡馆, 杂货店, 农贸市场, 娱乐, 还有两个美丽的港口. 北边是密尔沃基. 往南是芝加哥. 无论你往哪里看? Exactly what you’re looking for.



11. Galleries, 剧院s, 和 museums

在距bv伟德ios下载25英里的范围内,有超过27个艺术画廊,12个博物馆和9个剧院. 只有几个: 出赛的 Dinosaur Discovery Museum内战博物馆; Racine’s nationally recognized 拉辛艺术博物馆; Chicago’s 芝加哥艺术学院见剧院; 和 the 密尔沃基艺术博物馆,以其收藏和建筑师的设计而享誉国际 圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦.


The Mars Cheese Castle in 出赛.

12. Bucket list-worthy attractions

凯莉·西伯特,25岁, coming from Lake Zurich, Ill., has come to find some of 出赛的 greatest spots. 她最喜欢的地方之一是湖边的安娜餐厅(Anna’s on the Lake),这是一个臭名昭著的学习场所,咖啡很好. “你可以看到湖上到处都是优雅的海鸥, 创造一个完美和放松的环境来学习或与朋友聚会.她推荐的基诺沙其他景点包括:AMC电影院, 现场汽车餐厅, 和 the Jerry Smith Pumpkin Farm, 当地的南瓜田. “这让我想起了我年轻时去过的南瓜地,勾起了我很多回忆!” 

See more things we love about 出赛



13. A cafeteria with five-star views

At Carthage, even the Cafeteria promises great scenery. The Carthage 餐厅 Commons, or Caf的它提供了新的食品站和一个可以俯瞰密歇根湖的户外露台.



14. 这里的食物

咖啡厅的景色令人惊叹,但当你准备在校外用餐时,你不会失望的. 威斯康辛州的这个地区以冷冻蛋奶冻等美食而闻名, 星期五晚上的煎鱼, 奶酪凝乳, 丹麦kringle, 芝加哥式披萨, 和孩子们. 出赛的 弗兰克的餐厅featured on The Food Network. 和披萨? 你可以连续一个月每天在不同的基诺沙披萨店吃披萨, 和 you’d still have a few pizza joints to try. There are more than 50 pizza places within 20 miles. Some argue 出赛的 version of Chicago-style deep dish is better than the big city; others stick with thin crust. 我们说两者都试试.


Carl, the beloved 出赛 wild turkey.

15. 有羽毛、毛茸茸的朋友

Students aren’t the only ones who consider Carthage home. 我们的 campus is also a wildlife sanctuary 和 arboretum, attracting various visitors, 从狐狸和乌龟到鹅,偶尔还有秃鹰,甚至是火鸡!


A photo of the crowd at a homecoming football game.

16. 去打包吧,熊们! 去柜子建立! 我们指的是酿酒师!

体育迷? Not only does Carthage field 27 NCAA Division III sports (28 total varsity sports) 但在一个小时的车程内,从不缺少职业运动. 从历史上 Wrigley棒球场 到现代 米勒公园, sports fans can find a unique experience in all seasons. Nearby teams include the Chicago Cubs, 芝加哥白袜队, 密尔沃基酿酒人, 芝加哥公牛队, 密尔沃基雄鹿队, 芝加哥熊, 绿湾包装工队, 和芝加哥黑鹰队. Looking for something different? Check out teams you may not be familiar with, like Chicago’s Major League Soccer team, 芝加哥大火, 和 the 密尔沃基 Admirals for hockey fans.



17. 秋天

They say fall only lasts two weeks in Wisconsin. But those two weeks are amazing.



18. 冬天的雪天

这种事不常发生,但有时你可以用书和教授换靴子和雪人. 校友 still talk about Groundhog Day 2011, 当时一场暴风雪给基诺沙带来了近两英尺的积雪,大风造成了7-9英尺的积雪. Wisconsin winters also bring skiing, 滑冰, 和 sledding (sometimes in laundry baskets down the Lentz 山).


Students play volleyball outside The Tower.

19. 想春天

有时 winters are brutal. So when the sun comes out 和 the weather warms up, everyone comes out from their dorm rooms for volleyball games, 沙滩阅读, 户外音乐课, 和 gleeful w和ering in flip-flops. 我们幸存了下来!


两个朋友拥抱在一起. W. Clausen Center near Starbucks.

20. 中西部地区好

这是一件事. 基诺沙是威斯康星州第四大城市,但它仍然保留着小城镇的感觉. You’ll notice that “中西部地区好” on 和 off campus.

乔希·马拉尔多,26岁 experienced this firsth和. Coming from a school much larger than Carthage, he loved the small campus 和 being able to know almost everyone.

“在bv伟德ios下载, 我觉得我至少见过每个人一次,认识很多人, so that’s been really cool,他解释道. “It is a really tight-knit community.”

Carthage just feels like home.

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